U.A.S.B. Technology complete with sulphur recovery plant
There is a major constraint in using the U.A.S.B. system for treatment of tannery water. The presence of a high sulphate content result in the generation of methane contaminated with H2S which restricts the use of bio gas as a source of energy. An empowered system has been developed by CLRI whereby the sulphate is completely removed as elemental sulphur and the treatment of tannery waste water is carried out in the conventional UASB reactor there by generating enegry. The system ensures removal of COD and sulphate T.D.S. to 60% and 90% respectively.
Biomethanation for solid waste disposal
Tannery fleshings’ which are the major solid waste emanating from the beam house are subjected to Biomethenation. The fleshings are liquefied completely biologically and the resultant liquefied fleshing is treated in anaerobic reactors to produce biogas. Any anaerobic reactor like U.A.S.B. can be used. The technology is being implemented in Melvisharam, Tamilnadu for biomethenation of tannery fleshings. The technology developed by CLRI is also used in the biomethenation of slaughter house waste (Alkabeer Hyderbad and M/s Hind Agro, Aligarh) and for vegetable market waste (Koyambedu vegetable Market, Chennai).
Chemo Autotrophic Activated Carbon Oxidation (CAACO) System for waste water treatment
It is an integrated system of biological and chemical oxidation carried out in a single hybrid reactor packed with activated carbon based redox resins. Anaerobic treatment in the reactor is followed by wet air oxidation using activated carbon which contains chemo autotrophic bacteria in a immobilized state. Oxygen required for the oxidation of organics is supplied in Stoichometric quantities as air from the bottom of the reactor. The regulated oxygen quantity ensures that the utilization of electrical energy is minimized leading to a 75% reduction in power consumption as compared to conventional aerobic systems. The treatment eliminates about 92% of suspended solids, 98% BOD, 85% COD, 100% sulphide and 100% odour with high degree of performance consistency. The pH of the treated effluents are vey close to natural. The technology has been applied in many tanneries, in multiple textile units, Sago units and for domestic waste water.
Removal of TDS
Removal of TDS is major cause of environmental concern in the tanneries. The technology developed by CLRI relates to a series of in plant measures like less salt/Salt less curing, enzyme based pretanning operations, recycling of pickle liquor and pickle less tanning. Low cost and compact membrane bio reactor processes have been developed and successfully applied to tannery effluent treatment. Expected COD reduces of 95%, BOD 100% and a total removal of suspended solids has been achieved. The high quality effluent after the Membrane Bio Reactors enable effective polishing with reverse osmosis treatment and facilitates ‘salt free’ water recycling. Membrane Bio Reactors and Reverse Osmosis together demonstrated an 80% water recovery and payback of as little as 2 years.
Clean Technology Option’s
It is being increasingly recognized that end of pipe solutions are not the ultimate strategy for waste management. Economic instruments have a major role to play. These also include cost cuttings through recovery, reuse and recycle of waste materials as also a more prudent use of resources and a reduction in the quantity of effluents discharged. The ideal being achieving zero or near zero discharge. The use of clean process technologies to achieve these ends is of great advantage to tanners. It has been demonstrated that a Tannery with a production capacity of 2000 kg. of hides /skin per day might potentially save Rs. 1.4 million per month by adopting clean process technologies. A number of clean technology options for tanners have emerged.
we are interested to plan Leather Tanning business, we need to know more details of this project, machinery and also we want to know cost of production for this project to run, please email me the details.
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