CGWA 2020 guidelines on Ground Water Regulation and the Uttar Pradesh Ground Water (Management and Regulation) Act, 2019. The dilemma of existing users in...
Fly Ash Utilisation In India
Environmental Laws and Procedures in India
Zero Liquid Discharge Standards for Distilleries in Uttar Pradesh, India – Propriety and Rationale.
Release of book entitled “Distillery Spent Wash and It’s Utilization in Agriculture”
MoEF and CC relaxes Environmental Clearance procedures for expansion in existing Distilleries and Sugar Mills under EBP (Ethanol Blended Petrol) program
The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
MoEF & CC, GOI notifies new provisions for dealing with violation cases under EIA notification of 2006-Closures, guarantees, forfeitures established
Olfactory sensory abilities in Elephants. A remarkable asset
Brahminy Blind Snake (Indotyphlops brahminus)- Concertina Locomotion
Plant and Microbe based remediation of contaminated sites
Dust bathing in Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
Small Green Bee Eater (Merops orientalis) and Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)