Indian Soft Shell Turtle (Nilssonia gangetica)
Baya Weaver Bird (Ploceus philippinus) Bharatpur, Rajashthan
Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosa) being mobbed by Indian Mynah
Grey Heron, Keoladeo National Park/Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary
Interview on Air Pollution Broadcast by KNEWS
Deciphering CGWA Guidelines 2020 and the U.P. Ground Water (Management and Regulation) Act 2019-In Camera Conversation Dr. Durjoy Chakraborty, Former Chief Scientist, CGWA and...
Presentation by Dr. Yashpal Singh at National Conference on Environment, Human Health & Sustainable Development Goals
Presentation by Dr. Yashpal Singh at WEBINAR on “DRAFT EIA NOTIFICATION 2020” Held on 31/05/2020
Olfactory sensory abilities in Elephants. A remarkable asset
Brahminy Blind Snake (Indotyphlops brahminus)- Concertina Locomotion
Plant and Microbe based remediation of contaminated sites
Dust bathing in Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
Small Green Bee Eater (Merops orientalis) and Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)