Published on 29/05/2011
- Consideration of projects of thermal power, steel sector etc for environmental clearance with sourcing of coal from dedicated coal blocks /Coal India Ltd. Dated: 19.12.2010
- Accreditation of the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India / National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET). Dated: 31.12.2010 [Office Memorandum], [List of Applicants]
- Guidelines for preparation of pre-feasibility report for obtaining prior environmental clearance in terms of the provisions of EIA notification, 2006. Dated: 30.12.2010
- Consideration of Integrated and Inter-linked projects – procedure regarding. Dated: 24.12.2010
- Consideration of proposals involving violation of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 / the CRZ Notification, 1991, there under. Corporate Environment Policy – regarding. Dated: 16.11.2010
- Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society, Mumbai – Show Cause Notice . Dated: 12.11.2010
- Consideration of projects of Thermal Power, Steel Sector etc. for Environmental Clearance with sourcing from dedicated Coal Blocks/ Coal India Ltd – reg. Dated: 1.11.2010
- Accreditation of the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India / National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCINABET). Dated: 1.11.2010 [Office Memorandum], [List of Applicants]
- Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) – Lifting of Moratorium in respect of Industrial clusters/areas of Tarapur (Maharashtra), Pattencherru-Bollaram (Andhra Pradesh), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu), Vapi (Gujarat) and Mandi-Govindgarh (Punjab). Dated: 26.10.2010
- Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI)- Extension of Moratorium up to 31.03.2011. Dated: 26.10.2010
- Committee constituted to examine the issues relating to monitoring of Projects – Extension of tenure. Dated: 1.10.2010
- Committee constituted to examine the issues relating to Monitoring of Projects – time limit extended upto 15th October, 2010. Dated: 29.09.2010
- Committee constituted to examine the issues relating to Monitoring of Projects. Dated: 25.08.2010
- Consideration of proposals regarding in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, Maharashtra. Dated: 16.08.2010
- Activities which can be undertaken without prior Environmental Clearance. Dated: 19.08.2010
- Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India. Dated: 09.08.2010 [Office Memorandum], [List of Applicants]
- Aar pee Iron Ore Mine at village Jambhunatha, District Bellary, Karnataka of M/s Smt. R. Mallamma – Suspension of mining activities regarding. Dated: 06.08.2010
- Accreditation of EIA Consultant by Quality Council of India. Dated: 28.06.2010 [Office Memorandum], [List of Applicants]
- Reconstitution of the Expert Appraisal Committee for environmental appraisal of River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects under EIA Notification 2006. Dated: 14.06.2010
- Reconstitution of the Expert Appraisal Committee for environmental appraisal of Thermal Power & Coal Mine projects. Dated: 14.06.2010
- Reconstitution of the Expert Appraisal Committee for environmental appraisal of Infrastructure, Building/Construction & Industrial estates and Misc. projects. Dated: 14.06.2010
- Constitution of the Expert Appraisal Committee in the Industry Sector for assessment and evaluation of projects requiring clearance under the EIA Notification, 2006. Dated: 08.06.2010
- 2X660 MW Coal Based Thermal Power Plant at village Salka, in Premnagar Tehsil, in Surguja Distt, in Chhattisgarh. Dated: 27.04.2010
- Procedure for conduct of public hearing by the State/Union Territory Pollution Control Boards/Committees (SPCBs/UTPCCs) under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006. Dated: 19.04.2010
- Guidelines for Expansion of Coal Mining Sector Projects. Dated: 15.04.2010
- Expert Appraisal Committee for Mining Projects. Dated: 15.04.2010
- Consideration of expansion projects for environmental clearence in thermal power sector. Dated: 22.03.2010
- Time limit for validity of Terms of Reference (TORs) prescribed under EIA Notification, 2006 for undertaking detailed EIA studies for development projects requiring environmental clearance. Dated: 22.03.2010
- Office Memorandum w.r.t the Project Proponents to whom Ministry of Environment and Forests has awarded ‘Terms of References’ under the EIA Notification, 2006 Dated: 18.03.2010
- Time limit for validity of Terms of Reference (TORs) prescribed under EIA Notification for undertaking detailed EIA studies for development projects require environmental clearance. Dated: 22.03.2010
- Name of the Consultant to be shown along with the project proponent in the minutes of the EACs – Instructions. . Dated:17-03-2010
- Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI). Dated:15-03-2010
- Compensatory plantation for laying the pipeline for transportation of oil and gas in non-forest area. Dated:11-03-2010
- Participation of the Project Proponent during the Expert Appraisal Committee Meetings- Instructions for Project Proponent. Dated:25-02-2010
- Consideration of proposals regarding mining activity under the provisions of Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 from the State of Goa. Dated: 24-02-2010.
- Conducting of Public Hearing as per EIA Notification, 2006 – regarding. Dated:25-01-2010
- Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index – Implementation thereof. Dated:22-01-2010
- Consideration of proposals relating to change in location after public hearing has been held or after environment clearance has been accorded – procedure to be followed – regarding. Dated: 22-01-2010
- Amendment to EIA Notification, 2006 issued vide S.O. 3067(E) dated 1st December, 2009 – Implementation thereof – regarding. Dated:18-01-2010
- Consideration of projects for environmental clearance based on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index. Dated:13-01-2010